Auto Scheduling Settings


From the i-SI Main Form, click the Site Tools Ribbon Page, Auto Scheduling, Auto Scheduling Settings.


Click the image\addbutton.gif Button.


The Auto Scheduling Settings Wizard will appear:



Click the image\NextButton.gif Button.



Input specifications are as follows:

Name: Enter a Name for the Auto Scheduling Setting.


Begin Grade: Enter a Begin Grade to be used in the Auto Scheduling Process.


End Grade: Enter an End Grade to be used in the Auto Scheduling Process.


Sessions Tab, Periods Tab, Courses Tab and Instructors Tab: Click and drag the Sessions, Periods, Courses and Instructors you want to use in the Auto Scheduling Process from the Available Box to the Auto Scheduling Box in each Tab.


Click the image\NextButton.gif Button.




Auto Schedule Course: Use the Drop Down List Box to enter the Course for which you would like to define specific Course scheduling defaults and constraints.




Input specifications are as follows:

Number to Schedule: This defines the number of sections to create for the Course. If the number is zero, the number of course requests will be used in determining the number of Sections to create. Existing Sections will be counted towards meeting this number.


Course in Following Period: This will be scheduled into the next Period.


Click and drag the Courses you want to include for each from the Available Box to the specific Box:

Combine With: This will be scheduled into the same Period, but for different Sessions.


Not Same Session As: This will be scheduled into different Sessions.


Same Session Different Periods: This will be scheduled into the same Session, but for a different Period.


Prior To: This will be scheduled into preceding Sessions.


Periods: This defines the Periods in which the Course can be scheduled. If no Periods are defined, the Course will be scheduled in any Period.


Click the image\NextButton.gif Button.




Instructor: Use the Drop Down List Box to enter the Instructor for which you would like to define specific scheduling defaults and constraints.




Input specifications are as follows:

Courses: Click and drag the Courses from the Available Box to the Instructor Courses Box for which the Instructor can be scheduled.


Preferred Start Session: Use the Drop Down List Box to enter the preferred starting Session for the Course for the Instructor. Existing Sections will be counted towards meeting this number.


Number of Sections To Schedule: Enter the number of Sections to create for the Course for the Instructor. If the number is zero, the number of Course Requests will be used in determining the number of Sections to create. Existing Sections will be counted towards meeting this number.



Session/Period Settings: For each Session, there is a Number of Periods to Reserve and a Reserve Periods list. The Number of Periods to Reserve will be the number of Periods not scheduled for the Instructor for the Session. This number is in addition to any Reserved Periods and existing Sections. The Reserved Periods is the Periods that will be reserved for the Instructor for the Session.


Click the image\NextButton.gif Button.




Click the image\finishbutton.gif Button.